Friday 15 October 2010

Saturday 9th October 2010 - The Fete De Vendange Begins

After breakfast it was a walk about the town before heading back to move the car from its parking spot in the Place du Marche. The market was on tomorrow (Sunday) and it was either move it or it would be towed away. We found a place on Avenue General de Gaulle and then set off for the Carrefour Supermarche and the purchase of some sleeping bag liners and towels. There had been a mix up with the hire of bedlinen and towels with Joelle and so we had to go and buy some for our stay.

The walk back to town was to be spoiled by heavy rain and we had to dry ourselves before heading out once more.

By this time the Vendange was in swing and the first stop was Banyuls L'Etoile and a chance for a wee degustation of the local produce.


Getting the raw ingredients ready.

A walk through the streets followed and a chance to enjoy the entertainers who were already in full swing.

Musical entertainment outside the Mairie.

The party was enjoyed by many, it was just a pity that the weather wasn't to add to the occasion.

Ompah! Ompah!
We met some friends from Scotland who had moved to the town and they invited to see around their new property. They were still very much at the stage of decorating their new home but it will be lovely when it is finished.


Gie it laldy pal!

It was time now for a wee relaxing drink down by the sea, and windy though the day was it was pleasantly warm on the terrace of a beach side bar. We spent our time idly people watching and being entertained by the various street musicians passing by.

Brass Band On Rue St Pierre

Our evening meal was a chance to relax and also to shelter from heavy rain which was forecast for to last until the next day at least!!! Oh well, a lovely time was had by all and was finished off by an ice cream cone and then a wee glass of wine in a local bar before retiring for the night.

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